spring框架在java世界应用广泛,IOC、AOP,包括最近的spring boot等,体系庞大。平时spring应用很少,也没特别的经验要说。但在适配自己的框架和spring方面,也摸索了几天,有了一点心得。所有的适配都是基于spring框架对外开放的钩子…今天要说的比较简单,是关于xml的
开发参考了spring doc
xml extension
- Authoring an XML schema to describe your custom element(s).
- Coding a custom NamespaceHandler implementation (this is an easy step, don’t worry).
- Coding one or more BeanDefinitionParser implementations (this is where the real work is done).
- Registering the above artifacts with Spring (this too is an easy step).
1.xml扩展首先要做的是定义xsd,这个可以参考语法。你必须先了解xsd schema的规范,当然要玩的更好,还可以多学习下spring xsd的定义。spring的扩展是通过在META-INF下的2个文件起作用:spring.handlers和spring.schemas。
2.下一步就是注册解析器,在NamespaceHandler的init方法中registerBeanDefinitionParser("common", new DefinitionParser());
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| public class ComponentBeanDefinitionParser extends AbstractBeanDefinitionParser {
protected AbstractBeanDefinition parseInternal(Element element, ParserContext parserContext) { return parseComponentElement(element); }
private static AbstractBeanDefinition parseComponentElement(Element element) { BeanDefinitionBuilder factory = BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition(ComponentFactoryBean.class); factory.addPropertyValue("parent", parseComponent(element));
List<Element> childElements = DomUtils.getChildElementsByTagName(element, "component"); if (childElements != null && childElements.size() > 0) { parseChildComponents(childElements, factory); }
return factory.getBeanDefinition(); }
private static BeanDefinition parseComponent(Element element) { BeanDefinitionBuilder component = BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition(Component.class); component.addPropertyValue("name", element.getAttribute("name")); return component.getBeanDefinition(); }
private static void parseChildComponents(List<Element> childElements, BeanDefinitionBuilder factory) { ManagedList<BeanDefinition> children = new ManagedList<BeanDefinition>(childElements.size()); for (Element element : childElements) { children.add(parseComponentElement(element)); } factory.addPropertyValue("children", children); } }
public class ComponentFactoryBean implements FactoryBean<Component> {
private Component parent; private List<Component> children;
public void setParent(Component parent) { this.parent = parent; }
public void setChildren(List<Component> children) { this.children = children; }
public Component getObject() throws Exception { if (this.children != null && this.children.size() > 0) { for (Component child : children) { this.parent.addComponent(child); } } return this.parent; }
public Class<Component> getObjectType() { return Component.class; }
public boolean isSingleton() { return true; } }
这2段代码中还是很好理解的,DomUtils.getChildElementsByTagName(element, "component")
5.另一个问题是id的问题,我们虽然在xsd中没有定义id属性,但是当通过BeanFactory.getBean时,依然会提示我们top-level必须有id属性,这是为什么呢?显然是因为spring默认bean是要有id来区分的。但是我们又不愿意在自己的节点上加这个属性,解决办法是auto generate id。在AbstractBeanDefinitionParser
中有一个protected String resolveId(Element element, AbstractBeanDefinition definition, ParserContext parserContext) throws BeanDefinitionStoreException
如果做到这些,基本就完成了spring xml的扩展,并不算难。